Wednesday, 3 August 2011

My first post :)

Hey hey, this will be my very first post on this blog. (Super lengthy!!! )

Well, basically, the purpose of this blog is to keep track of my eczema progress..  Hopefully with this blog, I'll feel more motivated to stick to my diet, which I miserably failed to keep up with a month ago..

Let me start off by introducing myself. My name is..err..lets keep my identity a secret for now :)..I've been battling with eczema since I was a child. However the eczema patches weren't that bad till I hit the age of 16, where it started to grow on my ankle. What triggered my eczema back then were stress and unhealthy eating habits. At that time, I knew a little about the side effects of steroid so I continued using it when I had flare-ups.

In 2006 (I was 17 yrs old),  my eczema started to grow out of hand. I lost the person I love the most and from then on, my eczema began to rage so badly. My whole feet and my both hands were covered with eczema. It affected my self-esteem so badly that I never stepped out of the home without wearing my full sleeve top and long pants. Steroid did make my skin better for a short amount of time, however, once I stopped applying it,  my skin got even worse than the previous flare up.  I was so desperate for a cure that I began to search  for a quick eczema fix online. It was only then I got to know the harmful side effects of steroid.

I opted for a natural alternative; homeopathy. I was on this homeopathy medication, Reckeweg R23, for 3 months, and it seemed to improve my condition drastically. My hand eczema got totally cured, but the ones on both my ankles remained. It didn't heal my skin any further, and the eczema on my ankle doesn't bother me much, so I stopped the medication. I do get flare ups once every 4 months (between 18 -21 yrs old) but it will usually subside within 2 weeks.

In late 2010 (I was 21 yrs old), I faced various major personal issues and was forced to leave school as I couldn't cope with the pressure (I was in my country's best uni :( ). A month after quitting, my eczema started to rage again; the worst flare up ever. I tried the Apple Cider Vinegar method and took the homeopathy medication, but it made my condition even worse.  My eczema spread from my ankle, all the way up to my thighs. My hands and my neck weren't spared either :( And this time, it decided to stick with me up till today....

After an intensive research online, I concluded that the most important step to cure my eczema is by controlling my diet. Since eczema has a high connection to candida overgrowth (plus I have other symptoms such as fatigue, brain fog, frequent headaches, itchy nose and eyes), I decided to go for the Anti-Candida diet(wasn't as strict though), which I managed to stick for about 27 days, before I went back to my old eating habits again!! (1 bag of chips, 1 pack of choc, deep fried/processed/starchy/sugary food everyday)  "Old habits die hard " this is sooo true! hahaha...anyway my skin didn't get better during the diet either, but other symptoms such as itchyness in the eyes were gone!! A few days into my old eating habits and *pooof* the symptoms re-appeared again!!

I was so motivated to go back to the old diet again, so I started off by doing a 1 day water fast, followed by the anti-candida diet the next day. This time, I am following the diet strictly.
Foods to eat:
Foods to avoid:

I am now 7 days into the diet, and my skin starts to itch pretty badly. I feel an increase in my energy level, but my headache's pretty bad  today :( Just hope its a die off. Mood's pretty bad too! Other supplements I am taking are: AMD Syntol(probiotic), Paraway Plus(Just in case i have parasite), Holland & Barrett's Evening primrose.

Warning: THE NEXT PART IS GOING TO BE DISGUSTING, but its the only way to see if my symptoms improve

Picture as of 3/8/2011

Eczema on the feet all the way up to my thighs :(

Eczema at the back of my knees

 On the hands

And neck too :(

Not forgetting the fold on the arms


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